On Monday 24th June 2019 Laois County Childcare Committee hosted an evening to mark the end of the Natural Outdoor Play Project with 8 Early Years Services in Laois. This project was funded by Healthy Ireland through a Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC) application. The project was delivered in partnership with Offaly County Childcare Committee.
The main purpose of this project was to support Early Years Services in Laois to extend their outdoor play and each service who participated received wet gear and wellies in order for this to happen in all weathers. In addition, some equipment was provided to services to support learning and development in the outdoor environment.
The project was a great success and all participating services showcased their achievements on the night.
Laois County Childcare Committee would sincerely like to thank the services involved, listed below, for their hard work and participation over the last eight months.