The transition to school remains especially difficult again this year because of Covid conditions. Attached are some transitions resources that have been developed for parents. This year the NCCA have also developed an additional parents template for children starting in ECCE. You can print them off for children starting school to help them support the children with the transition.
Please contact us if you have any difficulties accessing the resources.
First5 Independence TipSheet-Eng
First5 Independence TipSheet-Irish
First5 Teaching New Skills 2021
First5 Teaching New Skills 2021-Irish
Attached here is a postcard for the children to draw themselves or anything else for their new teacher: First5 Transitions Postcard
The Mó Scéal templates linked below have been developed for parents to fill in to share information for their child’s new pre-school or primary school.
Links to Mó Scéal templates in English:
Moving to Pre-School:
Moving to Primary School:
Links to Mó Scéal templates in Irish:
Ag aistriú ar an réamhscoil:
Ag aistriú go dtí an bhunscoil:
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