FAR (First Aid Response)
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the regulatory requirement that at least one person(s) is to have undertaken a FAR (First Aid Response) course delivered by a trainer approved by PHECC and to be available to children at all times, was due to be implemented by the 1st of June 2020. Tusla and the Dept of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth agreed to extend the timeframe to meet this regulatory requirement to the end of February 2021. Due to the ongoing pandemic this has now been extended to 1 November 2021. For more information, you
can visit our website tusla.ie or contact your local City or County Childcare Committee.
Garda vetting
You will be aware of the legal requirement that Garda vetting is completed before a person is appointed, assigned or allowed access to, or contact with, a child attending an early years service, and I’m sure you will appreciate the importance of having Garda vetting in place. As per the Child & Family Agency policy, until a valid Garda Vetting disclosure has been obtained and assessed by a registered provider, staff will not be permitted to work directly with children nor have any access to children in your service or the premises whilst children are present, irrespective of when they commenced direct work with children. The attached regulatory notice is provided to ensure transparency and consistency on how our inspectorate will follow up on this matter. The notice also provides clarity on the requirements for garda vetting for chairpersons and boards of management.
If you have any queries please contact ey.registration@tusla.ie and mark for the attention
of Angela Mahon.
Click here to download Early Years Inspectorate Regulatory notice Garda Vetting: EYI Regulatory Notice Garda Vetting 7 July 2021
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