As previously announced by Minister Roderic O’Gorman, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY), will be hosting several consultation events throughout the country to hear the views of a wide range of stakeholders on the Action Plan for Administrative and Regulatory Simplification for the Early Learning and Care and School Age Childcare (ELC/SAC) Sector.

The consultation events will take place on the following dates and locations:

City / TownLocationDate
CorkClayton Hotel, Lapps Quay20 May 2024
MullingarAnnebrook House Hotel22 May 2024
DublinMorrison Hotel23 May 2024
GalwayConnaught Hotel27 May 2024
KilkennySpringhill Hotel30 May 2024
CavanHotel Kilmore05 June 2024

Open consultation with parents, service providers, parental and provider representative bodies and other key sectoral stakeholders are essential to the development of the Action Plan.

DCEDIY ask that all those interested in attending the events to RSVP by Monday 13 May 2024 by emailing, listing names, contact details, and organisation (if applicable), as well as noting their preferred location.


The Early Years Team

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