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Date: Sat, Oct 19, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Location: Laois CCC

This training is for those working in Childcare Services in Laois ONLY

This one-day accredited training course looks at what constitutes child abuse, roles and responsibilities in reporting child protection and welfare concerns, child protection policy and safe work practices. If you haven’t attended in a while, it is recommended to attend every 3 years- there are a number of updates in the area to make you aware of including the role of the Mandated Person and Mandated reporting. If you are a DLP (Designated Liaison Person) that has not attended training, we would strongly encourage you to do so as part of your role.

We have 2 dates for this training

Saturday 6th April – Portlaoise Parish Centre – 9.30am – 4.30pm ~(A light lunch will be provided on the day.)


Saturday 19th October – Portlaoise Parish Centre – 9.30am – 4.30pm ~(A light lunch will be provided on the day.)

 A prerequisite of attending this training is that participants have completed the Tusla e-Learning Programme and the Mandated Person eLearning module

(Cert must be in date within 1 year from date of training you wish to attend).

Laois CCC require a copy of your e-Learning certificates at time of booking. 

To book a place for you or a staff member please email Sinead with

  1. Name of Participant
  2. Copy of Tusla e-Learning Programme Cert
  3. Copy of Mandated Person eLearning Cert
  4. Which date you want to participate in the Training (6th April or 19th October)

 Please see below links for Tusla e-Learning and Mandated Person eLearning

Children First E-Learning Programme: https://www.tusla.ie/children-first/children-first-e-learning-programme/?fbclid=IwAR3Koa-akx7fDkG9LKOebHDUwG2T2Bp4LhpbdkfaGmrF66DZkGWjgBkVIiw

Mandated Person eLearning: https://www.tusla.ie/children-first/mandated-persons/mandated-person-role-and-responsibilities-elearning-module/


Event Contact Information

Laois CCC

6 Lismard Court
Portlaoise, Laois R32XT86 Ireland

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